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This page is designed to give you the reader a bit of an idea of what happens at the various rallies and shows I personally attend.

  VVMC Bike Trike and Tattoo Show Friday night was a nice quiet one. Setting up for the following days Show was completed early and as they say a few drinks were had by all to celebrate.
Saturday and Show Day ! The day looked to be a bit dreary with rain threatening to disrupt the festivities. The first of the Hot Rods turned up early and pretty soon there were quite a few Bikes and Hot Rods lined up. The rain did come down early on but disappeared pretty quick.
The day was a huge success, with the keg throwing and Gumboot tossing comps for the public and quite a few hundred bikes being lined up at the bunker. Personally I enjoyed the days immensely.
For pictures go to : www.qldvvmc.com.au

  Bikes thru a Bar Australian Record Attempt Beautiful day, beautiful surroundings and one hell of a lot of bikes. An amazing day when one rides into a place and sees a few hundred bikes getting ready ride ride thru a bar !
Aratula was the setting for this Australian Record attempt. Bikes were allocated a number and the ride thru was supposed to start at 12pm, but with the early huge turnout the organisers decided to start off at 10am. It went off without a hitch. By 12.30pm several hundred bikes had gone thru already and Bikes were still rolling in.
By 1.30pm an amazing 1303 bikes had been registered for the ride thru with most of them having completed the ride.
Police presence was a bit heavy with 4 patrol cars at the exits (nobody in them though), and radar and breathaliser traps at either end of town (apparently - I didn't see a police car at all on the way home....)
All in all a brilliant day and congratulations to the Ulysses Clubs for getting this thing organised....

  Toowoomba Joyride May 2006

Organised by the People's Charity, it must go down as the most pathetic attempt at a fundraiser seen in a while. The bike riding community turned out in style, but the lack of serious advertising marred what could have been a repeat of the good turnout from last year. Most of the members of the paying public were not even aware that the ride was on. Also the cost of the ride was exorbitant for this sort of event. Last year the cost of the ride was $10, yet this year the organisers chose to up the price to $ 15, for no discernable reason. The bike riders supplied their own fuel, so there were no added expenses for the Charity. So the question remains....will next year's attempt be any better ? I would certainly hope so.....


Toowoomba Blanket Run May 2006

 One word - PATHETIC ! The lack of interest shown by the Police Department and the Toowoomba City Council was amazing. No escorts, no light or intersection blockages (except for one Ergon Employee who blocked the traffic at an intersetion where those guys were working - thanks mate!) . Several hundred bikes roaring through Toowoomba would have been a magnificent sight - except for the fact that they were split by lights and traffic. Why can other Councils support a charity event of this magnitude and not TCC ? After talking to quite a few of the participating Riders it seems that unless the end of year Toy Run is better organised there may not be many riders turning out for next years blanket run....and what a disaster that would be for the Salvos.....